How long is too long to sit daily?

Sitting for long periods of time can have negative health effects, regardless of whether you’re sitting at a desk, on a couch, or in a car. The amount of time you can sit daily without negative health effects can vary depending on your individual circumstances, such as your age, overall health, and physical activity level.

However, research suggests that sitting for more than 8 hours a day can increase the risk of health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. To minimize the negative health effects of prolonged sitting, it is recommended to break up sitting time with regular movement breaks and standing breaks.

For example, experts recommend taking a 5-minute standing or walking break every 30 minutes of sitting. Additionally, it is recommended to engage in regular physical activity outside of work, such as brisk walking, cycling, or other forms of exercise, to promote overall health and reduce the negative effects of prolonged sitting.

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